ECONOMIC IMPACT OF THE HUMAN GENE PATENT While patent offices around the world have been granting patents which lay claim to human gene sequences for decades, […]
A VIEW ON THE ROLE OF PATENTS IN ANTI-BIOTIC RESISTANCE There is a fundamental conflict between a desire to maximise profits by selling a patented antibiotic […]
A VIEW ON INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE IN SOUTH AFRICA “… knowledge, unique to a given culture or society, which accumulates over generations, as communities interact with their […]
AN OVERVIEW OF THE DRAFT NATIONAL IP POLICY The Draft National Policy on Intellectual Property was released for public comment in September 2013. The policy aims […]
Pitfalls of paper anticipation in South African patent law When attempting to patent an invention in South Africa, two main requirements must be met, the invention […]
Rademeyer Attorneys on Social Media Social media has become a very powerful business tool, especially in marketing and networking strategies. We at Rademeyer Attorneys have spent […]
The Monopoly on Genetic Human Genes The US Supreme Court recently decided this very issue in the case of Association for Molecular Pathology, et al v Myriad […]
TRADE MARKS, WEBSITES AND gTLD’s: PROTECTING YOUR TRADE MARK IN THE ERA OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE In today’s era of electronic commerce before selecting a mark a […]